Course Content
Cryo21 Quick Study AnsaCards
LED handles: the importance, action and effectiveness of the colors blue, violet and amber according to the type of beauty problem
Cryo21 Treatment Options
An outline view to a variety of treatments that can be carried out with Cryo21
Quick Study AnsaCards
Quick review of what you have learned about Cryo21
Cryo21 Knowledge Check
The following questions act as a knowledge check. See how many you can answer.
About Lesson

What is Cryo21?


Cryo21 is a non-invasive device that freezes unwanted fat, tightens skin, and improves the appearance of cellulite.

  • The process is called ‘apoptosis’, where fat cells are frozen to -10 degrees and then drained out of the body during a 2-week detoxing process.
  • Immediate results can be seen after the first Cryo21 session, but the best results are achieved after 2 weeks and after a course.
  • Did you know?

    That there are 111 possible cryo treatments for the face and body using the Cryo21 device.