Course Content
Cryo21 Quick Study AnsaCards
LED handles: the importance, action and effectiveness of the colors blue, violet and amber according to the type of beauty problem
Cryo21 Treatment Options
An outline view to a variety of treatments that can be carried out with Cryo21
Quick Study AnsaCards
Quick review of what you have learned about Cryo21
Cryo21 Knowledge Check
The following questions act as a knowledge check. See how many you can answer.
About Lesson

The process is natural & physiological

Mode of elimination of cells after the process of apoptosis (“fat”):

-Lymphatic system

-Liver and gastrointestinal tract

-activation of inflammatory processes and “digestion” of fat derived from apoptosis process.

The liquid part and water-soluble toxins are eliminated by diuresis through the kidneys and bladder. Triglycerides consist of glycerol and three fatty acid chains.

Glycerol is removed and used in gluconeogenesis and is a process that leads to the formation of glucose.

The fatty acids are transformed through the Krebs cycle into energy (ATP), which is essential for the survival of the individual.

Some of the triglycerides are attacked and swallowed by macrophages.

When the membrane is completely empty, without a nucleus (after 15 days more or less, as this is the emptying time), it will be crystallized and metabolized through the natural pathways and the permanent elimination of the adipocyte occurs.

Temperature used: -6/-8/-10 ° C to reduce localized fat. The temperature depends on the thickness of the tissues; it may change depending on this.